Google Forms is one of the best platforms for building online quizzes. After all, it’s 100% free, and given that many people use other Google applications, Google Forms is very convenient and accessible.
However, if you are just getting started building quizzes with Google Forms, chances are that you want to view a few Google Forms created by other organizations to get some inspiration. Fortunately, given the popularity of Google Forms, there is no shortage of examples to look at.
In this post, you can find 10 Google Forms quiz examples for inspiration.
1. Hazer Auto Parts
Hazer Auto Parts uses a reasoning quiz as part of their job application process. The quiz consists of 34 questions in total and the questions do get a bit trickier as you go on. They consist of questions that require basic knowledge of logic and physics. However, there are also some math questions towards the end of the quiz. The template used for the quiz is minimal and simple and uses Hazer’s brand colors.
2. Map Quiz
Here’s a simple map quiz that helps students test their map knowledge. It was designed by Montgomery County Public Schools. The quiz itself is pretty simple. You get a picture of the map and are asked to identify the numbered continents and oceans. After that, there’s a question about the compass and students are required to identify the sides designated by the numbers. The quiz uses a nice and calming color scheme paired with a photo of the night sky. This makes it obvious that it was designed for a science class. It’s a great way to help students test their knowledge and make sure they’re applying what they’ve learned.
Related: 17 Google Forms Examples for Inspiration
3. Brand Wellness Quiz
Clever Creative is a branding agency that uses a quiz as part of their lead generation process. The quiz is meant to help you audit your brand and discover parts of it that could use some attention. There are 10 questions in total relating to your brand presence and the quiz uses a point scoring system to help you determine how strong your brand is. What I love about this quiz is that it is a strategic quiz that can help determine what type of branding services you need. In addition to that, it builds the interest list for Clever Creative. The template they use is simple but perfectly on brand with the rest of their website and it ends with a simple offer to schedule a 15-minute free consultation.
4. The Way Of The Christ Quiz
St. Philip Institute of Catechesis and Evangelization created a simple quiz to accompany their online course. The course teaches you about the basic Catholic principles, how Catholics should live, and what they believe. At the end of each chapter, you take a quiz to test what you have learned.
Like the many other Google Forms quiz examples in this post, this quiz uses a point scoring system so it’s very similar in how typical school and course quizzes are structured. There are 10 questions in total and each correct answer gives you 10 points.
5. Watershed Wonders
Watershed Wonders is a virtual, educational field trip that aims to provide an overview of the water cycle and explain the role of the plants in a healthy watershed system. It also touches on the impact humans have on watershed systems. This is part of the science curriculum for grades 3-7 in Virginia.
Once they’ve watched the Watershed Wonders, students can take a quiz to test what they have learned. Similarly to other quiz examples on this list related to education, there are 10 questions in total that use the point scoring system. Each correct answer is worth 10 points which then determines the student’s grade.
6. Rock Your Practice Biz
Global Team Solutions wants to help practice owners to have an organized and thriving business. As a result, they’ve created a free quiz that helps their target audience evaluate how their practice is doing. In addition to that, it also helps Global Team Solutions to build their interest list of potential clients who are interested in their services. This is a great example of how to use a quiz as a lead generator for your business.
The quiz has 20+ questions that use a 5-point Likert scale asking them to agree or disagree with a particular statement. The last question asks them to describe where they’re at with their practice, which is a great qualifying question to include in any lead generation quiz.
7. Muse Beauty Pro
Muse Beauty Pro sells products aimed at beauty salons. They offer a range of products to help beauty salons keep their work areas and surfaces clean and bacteria free. They created a quiz to help you test your knowledge about one of their products. Upon successful quiz completion, you receive an official certificate. The quiz consists of 20+ multiple choice questions. Answering each question correctly nets you 5 points. The questions cover topics about product ingredients as well as correct usage and benefits.
8. Harry Potter Trivia Quiz
If you love the Harry Potter series, you’ll love taking this quiz. It was created by Laura Harding, Young Adult Librarian at the Osterhout Free Library in Wilkes-Barre, PA. The quiz uses several different question styles, ranging from multiple choice to multiple choice grids, and checkboxes. You’ll find questions that are easy and answers are well-known but also questions that only true “Potterheads” would know the answers to. What makes this quiz fun is that you can see the correct answer as soon as you submit your answer.
9. Rush Soccer
Rush Soccer created a fun quiz about the laws of football. The quiz is aimed at parents, coaches, and players. It consists of true/false questions which makes it easy to complete. They also provide a handy link to all the laws which you can consult prior to taking the quiz. This is a fun way to get the parents involved with the game and presents an opportunity to bond with their kids.
10. Marketing Mix Quiz
Here we have a quiz that tests your marketing knowledge. It uses a simple and plain template. This means there are no distractions when taking the quiz. The quiz itself has 10+ questions, ranging from multiple choice to fill in the blank and true/false questions. If you’re working on a marketing certification or taking a marketing course, this quiz comes in handy to test your knowledge and see which areas you need to revisit. It’s also worth mentioning that each correct answer brings you two points.
11. Personality Quiz
Lastly, this personality quiz can help respondents determine how introverted or extroverted they are. Although there are point values assigned to each question in this quiz, there are no right or wrong answers. The more times a respondent answers “Yes” to the questions, the greater the chances are that the quiz will indicate a respondent is an extrovert. A score of 50 (meaning a respondent said “Yes” to all of the 10 questions) indicates that the respondent is extremely extroverted and a score of 0 (meaning a respondent said “no” to all of the questions) indicates that the respondent is extremely introverted. Try it out for yourself!
For more info about making personality quizzes, check out this post on how to make a personality quiz on Google Forms.